SM Transmissions Blog

by SM Transmissions 11 Apr, 2024
Your car's transmission is responsible for transferring power from the engine to the wheels. When it's working smoothly, you may not even think about it. However, when transmission trouble arises, it can quickly become a major expense if left unaddressed. At SM Transmissions, we provide top-quality transmission repair in the greater Irving, TX area. Here’s a look at four common symptoms of a transmission problem. Delayed Response or Slipping Gears You might notice a hesitation when shifting from park to drive or experience a delay before your vehicle starts moving after pressing the accelerator. Similarly, if the engine revs up without a corresponding increase in speed or you feel the vehicle struggling to accelerate, it could indicate slipping gears. This issue often stems from low transmission fluid levels. Unusual Noises Grinding, whining, and clunking sounds can indicate transmission problems. These noises may suggest issues such as worn-out gear synchronizers, damaged bearings, or insufficient transmission fluid. Ignoring these sounds could lead to severe damage to the transmission, resulting in costly repairs or even complete failure. Leaking Fluid Transmission fluid is essential for lubricating moving parts, cooling the transmission, and maintaining hydraulic pressure. If you notice puddles or stains of reddish-colored fluid underneath your parked car, there’s a good chance you have a transmission fluid leak. Low fluid levels can cause overheating and premature wear of transmission components, making it important to address leaks ASAP. Burning Odor A burning smell could indicate transmission overheating or fluid degradation. Overheated transmission fluid loses its lubricating properties and becomes less effective at protecting internal components. Ignoring the burning smell and continuing to drive the vehicle can cause serious damage to the transmission, necessitating costly repairs or replacement. Transmission Repair in Irving, TX When you need transmission repair in Irving, TX and the surrounding area, contact SM Transmissions at  (469) 908-3690  . At our local transmission shop, we can expertly address any of your vehicle’s transmission needs. Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
by SM Transmissions 09 Mar, 2024
Transmission fluid provides lubrication, cooling, and hydraulic pressure. It plays a vital role in maintaining the health and functionality of the transmission system. Insufficient transmission fluid levels can lead to severe damage and costly repairs. At SM Transmissions, we provide top-quality transmission service in Irving, TX. Our local transmission mechanics can expertly address issues related to transmission fluid. Here are four warning signs that your transmission has gotten too low. Strange Noises In many cases, one of the first signs that transmission fluid is running low is unusual noises coming from the vehicle. Low transmission fluid can cause components within the transmission to grind against each other, leading to a whining, humming, or clunking noise. If you hear these sounds, it's crucial to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to your transmission. Delayed or Rough Shifting Transmission fluid is responsible for lubricating the gears and ensuring smooth gear transitions. When the fluid level is too low, you may experience delayed or rough shifting. This can manifest as a noticeable jerk when changing gears or a hesitation before the transmission engages. Ignoring these symptoms can result in increased wear and tear on your transmission, leading to more significant issues. Overheating Transmission Transmission fluid also helps dissipate heat generated by the transmission components. If the fluid level is too low, it loses its ability to cool the transmission effectively. Overheating can cause severe damage to the transmission, resulting in expensive repairs. Transmission Fluid Leaks One of the most obvious signs of low transmission fluid is a visible leak. If you notice reddish-colored fluid underneath your parked vehicle, there’s a good chance that it’s transmission fluid. Transmission fluid leaks can occur due to damaged seals, gaskets, or transmission pans. Identifying and fixing the source of the leak is crucial to prevent further fluid loss and maintain the optimal performance of your transmission. Transmission Service in Irving, TX For transmission service in Irving and the surrounding area, contact SM Transmissions at  (469) 908-3690  . Feel free to give us a call today to make an appointment!
by SM Transmissions 12 Feb, 2024
Transmission problems can be quite costly to address, so it’s best to take some basic precautions to help prevent them from arising. At SM Transmissions, we provide top-quality transmission service in Irving, TX that will help to keep your transmission in great shape. Here are five tips for keeping your transmission in healthy condition. Regular Fluid Checks/Changes Transmission fluid lubricates moving parts, cools the system, and facilitates smooth gear shifts. Regularly check your transmission fluid levels and ensure they are within the recommended range. Also, adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines for fluid changes. As it gets older, transmission fluid can break down and lose its effectiveness, making it important to change it as necessary. Mindful Driving Habits The way you drive has a direct impact on the health of your transmission. Avoid aggressive driving behaviors such as abrupt acceleration, sudden braking, and rapid gear shifting. These actions can put unnecessary stress on the transmission and lead to premature wear and tear. Proper Towing Practices If you frequently tow trailers or other heavy loads, make sure your vehicle is equipped to handle the additional stress on the transmission. Exceeding your vehicle's towing capacity can lead to overheating and accelerated wear on the transmission. Following the manufacturer's guidelines for towing can help to ensure that your transmission doesn’t become excessively stressed. Timely Repairs If you notice any signs of transmission problems, don't ignore them. Timely repairs can prevent minor issues from developing into major trouble. Whether it's a slipping clutch, strange noises, or a transmission fluid leak, address the problem promptly at the transmission shop. Ignoring warning signs can lead to more extensive damage, resulting in costly repairs or even the need for complete transmission replacement. Scheduled Transmission Inspections/Maintenance It’s wise to include regular transmission inspections as part of your vehicle maintenance routine. A professional inspection can identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. Also, you should always follow your manufacturer's mileage intervals for any transmission-related maintenance. Transmission Service in Irving, TX For transmission service in Irving and the surrounding area, contact SM Transmissions at  (469) 908-3690  . Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
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